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Two Keys for Successful Regulatory Digital Journey

Despite years of discussion, understanding what digital journey or transformation means for most companies remains a daunting challenge. Leaders put in charge of a digital plan feel pulled in many…

Regulatory, Move Beyond RPA to Deliver Value

Regulatory, Move Beyond RPA to Deliver Value According to Gartner, Innovation leaders lack a defined strategy to scale automation with tactical and strategic goals. They must deliver end-to-end…

Clin Supplies RTSM Implementation & Validation – 3 Do’s / Don’ts

Clinical supply management is a long, complex supply system in successfully providing deliveries to the end user. To make such complex process in simpler manner a robust electronic system is manda…

Medical Writing : A Better Approach to Group Editing

If your job involves writing, editing, reviewing, or approving documents, you’re probably very familiar with the painful process of group editing when a large committee attempts to edit a single c…

CMC: Authoring & Publishing Automation – Challenges/Solutions

At the high-impact R&D end of life sciences, investment in technology is consciously linked to commercial priorities including innovation, efficiency and speed to market. Here, smart use of te…


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